You have a message that you’d like to bring across. Or information you’d like to share. You want to be sure that the participants in your event or the readers of your text provided with comprehensive, accurate and understandable information.
Let me be your voice.
Anyone who has ever had the questionable joy of reading a text that was translated by the artificial intelligence of a well-known search engine knows that a text is more than the sum of its words.
It takes someone who can put words and numbers into context, can turn them into convincing arguments or a fascinating story, who knows how to hit the right tone, can make complex issues easily comprehensible and convey information accurately, correctly and completely to make a lasting impression on your audience or readership.
And ideally, your information is presented in a lively and natural style.
Welcome to my website: This is the standard I have set myself for my work as a conference interpreter and translator.
This website is currently under construction. Meanwhile, please get in touch with me if you would like to learn more:
Silvia Lass-Adelmann
Office: Zwirnerstrasse 26, 50678 Cologne, Germany
Phone: +49 221 359 322 59
Cell: +49 172 48 99 204